Principal’s Message
Mensaje del director
Principal Corner
Welcome Back to School
Welcome back to school after our winter break. Thank you for the gifts and treats students brought to me and their teachers. I hope you enjoyed your holiday! We are excited to get back into our school routine.
Most of you have been using our new crosswalk. Thank you! We appreciate you being an example to our students. We still have a few people crossing south of the crosswalk. Please take the few extra minutes to walk up to the crosswalk to help keep you and our students safe.
We have our next Dine2Donate for our school at Chipotle on Wed Jan 19th from 4-8pm. See the flyer below for more information.
Please help your child get to school each day and be on time. We have important things happening in class starting very first thing. Often they are things students don’t want to miss. We understand students might be sick and need to stay home. However, if they are healthy, please make every effort to get them to school.
Lost and Found
We are getting a large inventory of lost and found items. We have coats, mittens, jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, and etc. We reminded students to check the lost and found area on Friday. If you think your child might be missing something, you are welcome to come check our lost and found. Items are laid out on the floor in the hall leading into the gym. Any items that aren’t collected in the next week or so will be taken to Deseret Industries.

Angie Evans